In an unprecedented move, Arnod Schwarzenegger, the current governor of California, signed legislation titled SB 1449 that legalizes pot up to a specific amount. The law changes the possession of marijuana from a misdemeanor to an infraction. The fine stays a one hundred dollars, which is much less than for a traffic infraction, but the requirement of going to a court is eliminated. The current stance on marijuana includes arrest, fining, and going to court. Due to the financial woes of the state government, the governoring body decided to reduce judicial expenses by lowering the criminality of pot possession so less potheads go to court which translates to less expenses. Over sixty-thousand marijuana users were arrested for possession last year alone.
The governor's stance on pot is negative. He was forced by the current financial circumstances of the state government to sign the law into effect. It was just one of the many budget cuts they are currently implementing to combat the problem. Many marijuana smokers rejoiced at the signing of the legislation as it officially begins the downward spiral towards the legalization of more hardcore drugs. Notable supporters of pot smokers, especially California NORML's director Dale Gieringer, praised the governor for legalizing the drug for common use.
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