Saturday, October 23, 2010

Driver Drove with Mummified Passenger in Car for At Least 3 Months

It was initially thought to be some Halloween prank. A less-than-sane driver, acting on good Samaritan instincts, once provided free transportation to a homeless by the name of Signe and allowed her to sleep in the car. At one point the homeless died. Her cause of death is yet to be determined but the driver is currently not held responsible for Signe's death. After Signe died, the driver continued driving with the dead body of the woman inside the car for at least three months and possibly up to ten. The driver was too afraid to report her death to the authorities. To ease the stench, the driver used air fresheners and despite the contrary evidence, claimed that the odors emanating wasn't that bad. Apparently the driver had developed a resistance to the foul smell over time, which was also contributed by the driver's sinus issues.

The dead body wasn't discovered until the smell became so bad that the neighbors had to called police to complain of the fetid smell. In a strange case, the autopsy showed that corpse had became a thirty-pound mummy. Everything was well preserved except for the woman's head. The officer who first discovered to body felt like stumbling upon some ancient Egyptian mummy. While the police say that the driver won't be charge with felonies, the driver might have violated certain local codes dealing with dead human bodies.


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