Thursday, September 30, 2010

Seventy-Five Savages Fight at Birthday Party for Three-Year-Old Girl

Seventy-five drunken maniacs broke out in an all-out melee battle with bottles during a birthday party for a 3-year-old kid in Fraternal Order of Eagle's Hall in Elmwood Place, Ohio. Thirty other children also attended the party. The battle started with an argument and spiraled out of control. Realizing that civil conversation is for pussies, they resorted to the time-tested method of using violence to resolve their differences. Chairs, bottles, and anything that could be used as a weapon was thrown. With alcohol in their blood, every one of them was in absolute bloodlust, as is typical for their kind of people. A lot of police were called in to stop the ongoing battle. The first cops to arrived there were too afraid to get into the fray so they had to call for backup.

The reason for the fight was ridiculous: The father of the girl and the mother's boyfriend began arguing about the mother and the girl. One or both of them crossed the line and began throwing insults. Everything went downhill from there Ramon Marcela-Hernandez, the apparent instigator of the brawl, was arrested and jailed along with three other people. Despite the injuries suffered by so many people, no one from the party was willing to come forward to talk to the police about the incident. The language barrier further discouraged them from doing so. Meanwhile, the Children's Services have decided to handle the case on their own. Jesse Ficke, who worked at Eagle's lodge, initially thought they were nice people, but he realized that he was wrong after seeing their savagery that night.


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